Lifestyle and Health Tips for AIDS Patients

Today on World's Health Day, I am presenting before you some effective ways by which Aids patients should cope with the disease and take absolute care of their health. Receiving a diagnosis of any life-threatening illness is devastating. Although it's important to receive medical treatment for HIV/AIDS, it's also essential that the patient takes an active role in his own care. All the people living with HIV/AIDS need are a little love and care that can make their life easier in this hostile world. The following suggestions may help them to stay healthy longer:

  • Make sure the doctor knows how to treat HIV. It is very necessary for yhe patient to find someone who understands the ramifications of the disease, who is willing to work with him/her and who makes him/her feel comfortable and respected.
  • All doctor's instructions should be carefully followed. Appointments, medications should be taken exactly as directed.
  • Medication should not be stopped or dosage changed without instructions.
  • Get immunizations. These may prevent infections such as pneumonia and the flu.
  • Smoking should be strictly prohibited.
  • Illicit drugs should not be taken. These weaken the body even more.
  • Healthiest diet emphasizing fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein should be taken. Healthy foods help to keep the patient strong, give him/her more energy and support his/her's immune system. A good nutrition is tremendously important. A registered dietitian can be especially helpful.
  • Avoid foods that can put the patient at risk of infection. These include unpasteurized dairy products, raw eggs and raw seafood such as oysters, sushi or sashimi. Cook meat until it's well-done or until there's no trace of pink color.
  • Drink pure water.
  • Regular exercise is very essential. Exercise helps increasing strength and energy levels and can help battle the depression that's often a part of dealing with HIV/AIDS.
  • Enough sleep and rest is needed.
  • The Aids patient should be careful while dealing with companion animals or if possible avoid them. Some animals may carry parasites that can cause infections in people who are HIV-positive. If the patient has to clean his cat's litter box or pick up after his dog himself, he should wear latex gloves and wash his hands immediately afterward. Don't feed pets raw meat, and make sure they have all their shots. Always wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after petting or playing with animals.
  • Find ways to relax like yoga, meditation, walking, reading, playing chess or computer games, or listening to music etc.
  • The hands should always be kept clean. The patient should wash his hands thoroughly with soap and water after using the restroom, before eating or preparing food, and after spending time in public places. It is helpful to carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for times when it's not convenient to use soap and water.